Vox Populi, Vox Bibitulit

Vox Populi, Vox Bibitulit
Bak Besi, Horn Speakers dan Arduino.

Menanggapi hubungan manusia dengan teknologi dan fenomena yang muncul dari masyarakat ini adalah latar belakang dari karya ini. Kekuatan horn speaker adalah senjata dalam menaklukkan lawan. Representasi simbol perlawanan terhadap pemegang kekuasaan atas nama rakyat, atas nama penindasan dan atas nama Tuhan. Interaktivitas dalam karya ini mengajak apresiator untuk menemukan suara yang terdengar.


This artwork focus on human relationships with emerging technologies and societal phenomena. They view speaker horns as a symbol of strength, representing resistance against holders of power on behalf of the people. The work invites interactivity, encouraging audiences to find their voice.

The work is inspired by a large-scale demonstration in Jakarta, where Muslims felt insulted by a remark made by the then-governor. The use of cars is also explored as a means of political propaganda during demonstrations that affect the social community.

Observe the phenomenon of using horn speakers in the community.

Horn speakers (TOA) as media technology in the Society.

Horn speakers generate suggestions
Suggestion => Control, Exclamation => Power => Overthrowing the government